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Couples Ballroom Dance Class

Tuesdays (7:15 - 8:15 pm) - OR - Thursdays (7 - 8 pm) | Fee: $240 / couple

Couples Ballroom Dance Class
Couples Ballroom Dance Class

Time & Location

Tuesdays at 7:15 pm -or- Thursdays at 7 pm

The Arts Center, 401 7th Ave SW, Moultrie, GA 31768, USA

Additional Information

August 27 - October 15

Tuesdays from 7:15 - 8:15 pm - OR - Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Registration Fee: $240 per couple

Arts Center Ballroom

Through this 8 week class we will continue working on the Foxtrot. Focusing on adding patterns and learning how to sequence thoe patterns! Along with continuing our musicality skills. By the end of this course you will absolutley feel confident in your social dancing abilities!

Regular students can expect to be able to dance comfortably to any song! Learning how to recognize what song goes to what dance thus allowing you to social dance anywhere that music is playing. We will begin each week with a verbal expression of the dance and pattern we will be working on. The Instructor will then demonstrate the steps for lead and follow. After demonstrating the instructor will go around and help individually while others experiment with the given steps.

Attire: Lightweight non-stick tennis shoes, casual/comfortable clothes for the introductory class.

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